Senin, 01 September 2014



Savings matrix method is essentially a method to minimize the distance or time or expenses taking into account the constraints that exist. 

   The steps that must be done is as follows: 
1.Mengidentifikasikan distance matrix 
2.Mengidentifikasikan matrix savings (savings matrix) 
   In this step we need the distance between the warehouse to each store and the distance between stores. 
   To simplify the problem, we will use the shortest path as the distance between locations. 

Matrix identifies savings (savings matrix) 
   At the beginning of this step we assume that each store will be visited by a truck exclusively. 
   Savings matrix represents savings can be realized by combining two customers into one route. 

Allocating stores to the vehicle or route 
   In the beginning we allocate each store to a different route. 
   The combination will start from the value of the largest savings because we seek to maximize savings. 

Sorting store (destination) in the route that has been defined 
   After the allocation of stores to be done, the next step is to determine the order of visits. 

Crossdocking: Innovative Methods in distribution management 
   Traditionally, companies often use the building as a storage product before there is an order from the customer. 
   After the order, the goods ordered will be taken from the warehouse, packaged and then shipped.

   In the model Crossdocking, warehouse does not function as a storage product, but as the transfer of goods from truck to truck pickup. 
   One of the advantages of Crossdocking is a short travel time for goods shipped. 
   This is because the average length of the goods in the warehouse tingal less. It reduces storage costs. 
   If the variation or uncertainty is high, the process will be difficult because Crossdocking not easy to synchronize the time of delivery and pick-up. 
   Therefore, the models Crossdocking, the buyer must already have firm orders (orders definitive) a few days before the scheduled delivery. 
   If the low transaction volume, Crossdocking not be economical to do. 
   In this situation it is more economical for a warehouse to store inventory than do Crossdocking. 

   The process requires monitoring or tracking technology that can be reported in real time the position of the goods at any time. 

   Many benefits can be given to the use of appropriate technologies to monitor the delivery process. Some of these benefits are: 
-present Reduction in delivery time as possible to make these changes in order to avoid bottlenecks / blockages

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